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Home Tweet Home- Big Fish Eyes


The frame gallery- Pittsburgh Novemeber 2015

This project is an attempt to share a personal phenomenon. Seeing familiar images in an unfamiliar, unconscious, and defensive context. Technology of augmented reality is the only plausible media for the representation of this experience. A two-way relation between feelings and technology.

My current project Home Tweet Home is a continuation of my investigations about immigration, migration, urban life, separation, and memory.  However, memory and longing for one’s homeland play a significant role in my project.  Furthermore, my concerns spark an association with the realm of the liminal and liminality.  Liminality refers to the character of the threshold – whether understood as realized in the event of approach or withdrawal or in the transitory places in which that occurs. Yet whereas the idea of the threshold refers us immediately to something that is both spatial and embodied – the threshold is that across which we step, over which we move, in order to enter or depart – the idea of the liminal refers us to something more general and abstract, but also more associated with the temporal.


Iran videos by: Arash Fewzee

Music: Keyhan Kalhor - the city of silence


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